Introducing ECO Whole Home Filtration Systems
This easy to install, easy to maintain system is plumbed in-line with your water line to filter all the water running through your home. This filtration system is capable of cleaning 1,000,000 gallons of water – and comes in two sizes: 1-3 person household and 3+ person household.
We also offer a SALT-FREE water conditioner which can be added to the filtration system, or installed as a stand-alone filter. This water conditioner uses TAC technology which breaks apart the Calcium and Magnesium ions into nanoparticles which do not build up as scale or cause damage from hard water corrosion. It also allows these particles to remain in the water, which are actually beneficial to our health, as well as that of our plants and animals.
The ECO Store is proud to offer this product both as a product sold in our store and online, but also as a service to be installed and maintained. Please call us at (805) 500-5636 to schedule a FREE In-Home Consultation about installing an ECO Whole Home Water System.
For more specific information about the systems, installation and maintenance, please click here.
Below is a list of contaminants this unit removes:
Trihalomethanes (THMs)
● Chloroform
● Dibromochloromethane
● Dichlorobromomethane
● Bromoform
● Trichloroethene
● Lindane
● Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin
● Methoxychlor
● Vydate
● Toxaphene
● Simazine
● Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
● Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
● Aldicarb
● Atrazine
● Chlordane
● Phthalates
● Dalapon
● Acrylamide
● Diquat
● Dibromochloropropane (DBCP)
● Endothall
● Dichloropropane
● Glyphosate
● Pentachlorophenol
● Carbofuran
● Pichloram
● Alachlor
● Dinoseb
● Epichlorohydrin
● Ethylene dibromide (EDB)
● Toluene Dibromomethane
● Adipates
● Xylene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs)
● Acrylamide
● Alachlor
● Aldicarb
● Aldicarb sulfoxide
● Aldicarb sulfone
● Atrazine
● Carbofuran
● Chlordane
● Dichloroethylene
● Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)
● Dichioropropane
● Dichlorobenzene
● Epichlorohydrin
● Ethylbenzene
● Heptachlor
● Heptachlor epoxide
● Lindane
● Methoxychlor
● Monochlorobenzene
● Polychlorinated biphenyls
● Pentachlorophenol
● Styrene
● Tetrachloroethylene
● Toluene
● TP
● Toxaphene
● Dichloroethylene
● Xylene
Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs)
● Trichloroethylene
● Tetrachloroethylene
● Carbon tetrachloride
● Trichloroethene
● Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride)
● Vinyl chloride
● Methylene chloride (dichloromethane)
● Benzene
● Chlorobenzene
● Dichlorobenzene
● Trichlorobenzene
● Dichloroethylene
Our Technology
There are 2 types of systems:
Our salt-free/anti-scaling system (uses TAC media/beads) is designed to alter the minerals (calcium & magnesium), by changing the ions into microscopic nanocrystals, which allows them to pass through fixtures and pipes without causing scale. It does not remove any of these elements from the water. The system is designed to treat a maximum level of 15GPG of water hardness.
Our activated carbon based water filter is designed to filter out chlorine, chloramine, VOC (volatile organic compounds), SOC (synthetic organic compounds), THMs (Trihalomethanes chemical compounds), pesticides, herbicides, and industrial solvents to provide better tasting and odorless water.
These 2 systems are sold separately or as a combo.
The filtration tanks can be installed inside or outside as there are no electrical or mechanical parts that can freeze or fail due to natural heat or cold. Ultimately, we recommend installing the system wherever it is easiest to access.
For more information on other types of filters that are available, please visit our site at: theecostoreonline.square.site/waterfiltration
The system MUST be installed in an upright/vertical position, above ground.
The system MUST NOT be installed on its side/horizontally or buried.
**Installing the system in this way will VOID the Warranty**
Our standard 12GPM tank (supports up to 4 bathrooms) is 9” wide x 48” tall. (about 52″ tall with attachments) The space needed by this system would be about 2 ½ to 3 ft in width.
Our larger 15GPM tank (supports up to 6 bathrooms) is 10” wide x 52” tall. (about 57″ tall with attachments) We recommend about 3 ft. to 3 ½ ft in width for this system.
*********System/Tank Maintenance*********
The carbon media in the whole house water filter is around $150 (approximately $289 for the catalytic carbon) and should be replaced every five years or one million gallons. (https://theecostoreonline.square.site/product/filtersmart-replacement-carbon-filters) The smaller 12GPM tank requires 1 bag of media and the larger 15GPM tank requires 1 & 1/2 bags of media.
The Salt-Free Media will need to be changed out every 5-7 years. Variables such as water hardness, changing the pre filter regularly, having a water filter installed before the salt-free system, and other factors make a difference in the life of the media in the salt-free tank. The cost for the Conditioner Replacement (TAC) Media is approximately $375 for 3 liters of media for the 12GPM tank and $450 for 4 liters of media for the 15GPM tank. This is a special order and you will need to contact The ECO Store to order.
********* Installation *********
Please contact The ECO Store to schedule a FREE In-Home Evaluation to discuss installing the Whole Home Water Filtration System in your home: (805) 500-5636 or fill out the request below.
However, our systems are very easy to install. If you or someone you know is mildly handy, then you could do the installation without hiring someone.
*********Is This System Right For Your Home?*********
Do you use city water? Do an online search for Your City + Your Zipcode + “Water Quality Report”. The first or second link suggestion should be your city’s Water Quality Report. Then do a search inside the report for “chlorine” or “chloramine”
If your water municipality uses chlorine then you would want to go with any of our standard carbon filters. If they use chloramine, then a PRO Series that uses catalytic carbon would be your best option. After that the carbon filters out any by-products, VOC’s industrial solvents, pharmaceuticals and more.
If you are on a private well, the levels of iron, manganese, and sulfates need to be below 1PPM (part per million). Additional filtration units can purify well water within a certain tolerance. Treating well water is required to ensure proper function of the TAC salt-free conditioner.
*********Additional information that might be useful*********
We use a high purity, high activity, granular activated carbon. Our carbon is NSF certified listed for health and safety. We guarantee the carbon for 5 years or 1,000,000 gallons whichever happens first, which is the industry-best guarantee. After 5 years you will not need to buy a new tank, just new media and you can replace it yourself. You can buy replacement media on our website. You need 1 bag or 1 CF for the 12 GPM (1-3 bath) filter or 1 ½ bags for the 15 GPM (4+bath) filter.
The activated carbon works through an adsorption process, where chlorine, chloramine, VOC (volatile organic compounds), SOC (synthetic organic compounds), THMs (Trihalomethanes chemical compounds), pesticides, herbicides, and industrial solvents are removed from the water to create healthier, better tasting, and odorless water.
Our filtration system allows for clean, delicious water from every tap in your house. You won’t have the need for bottled water. With the removal of chlorine and other chemicals, you’ll notice softer skin and hair.
Salt-Free Water Conditioner –
There are a few major differences between a Traditional Salt Water Softener and our Salt-Free Water Conditioner:
1. You don’t have to purchase and lift heavy salt bags to refill a Salt-Free System.
2. The media inside our salt-free media can last 5-7 years, or longer without needing to be changed – this is dependent on certain factors in the overall care of the system, water contamination levels, etc.
3. Our salt-free water conditioner does not replace the natural minerals, Calcium, and Magnesium, that cause limescale build-up with sodium (which in excess is terrible for your body and your appliances!) but instead, crystallizes the minerals in a process known as “conditioning”. This process prevents the minerals from building up on each other and creating the limescale most commonly seen with hard water.
4. Your water retains the natural minerals, Calcium, and Magnesium, that are healthier for your body and won’t damage the interior workings of your appliances.
5. Over time, with a salt-free conditioner, you will see the breakdown of the pre-existing limescale build-up in your plumbing and it will slowly flush out of your pipes.
And here is a bit more elaboration on these facts:
Our anti-scale/water conditioner system does not remove the naturally occurring, essential nutrients, magnesium and calcium like salt-based softeners do. Salt-based softeners replace those essential minerals with sodium which can contribute to weight gain or cardiovascular health problems and causes that slimy, slippery feeling. Our conditioner alters the minerals chemically, so they don’t stick to surfaces and turn into scale.
How our conditioner works: the water is processed through our media (TAC), which alters the minerals, by changing the ions into microscopic nanocrystals, and allows them to pass through fixtures and pipes without causing scale.
Since the minerals are not actually captured by our salt-free conditioner, there is no need for salt or backwashing to purge minerals down the drain, which means no electrical or drain requirements needed as our systems waste no water. Water hardness is measured in GPG (grains per gallon), our system can treat a maximum of 15 GPG (anything over 7 GPG is considered as hard water). 15-20GPG or higher will not see a full elimination of hard water issues, due to our system not removing calcium or magnesium from the water.
What’s great about our salt-free system is that it is virtually maintenance-free as long as you change your pre-filter regularly (8-10 months is recommended). No electricity costs, no wastewater, no salt or chemicals to lug around or buy and just like salt-based softeners you may see less soap usage and possibly brighter laundry.