Backup Emergency Power Solutions

Keeping things running through outages of any kind

Want to keep your power going through an outage?  Edison outages and emergencies don’t have to affect you – keep your power through these circumstances with a Home Standby Generator or a portable unit for home and travel.

As a dealer for Generac, we have solutions to fit your needs. 

  • PORTABLE generators can go with you camping, off-roading, RVing and roaming – from small to large, there are many to choose from.
  • HOME STANDBY GENERATORS provide emergency power to back up critical loads or your entire home – and can be powered by natural gas or propane
  • PWR CELL provides solar plus batteries to power your home in an emergency AND everyday to reduce grid-dependence and increase energy stability.

Contact us to schedule a free in-home evaluation to find out what solution works best for you.


Generac Home Standby Power Systems

Be ready for the next outage: keep your whole home up and running – or just critical loads.

PWR Cell from Generac provides solar power for everyday use and for emergencies. 

Using a battery-coupled system gives you options:

  • Reduce your energy costs by using your battery in the evening when rates are highest
  • Store power for emergencies
  • Feed extra power to the grid while using what you need
  • Charge an EV without paying for additional power


Click on the image below to see a short video about how PWRCell works.


Contact us to find out what solution works best for you
